Talented artists from 45 different countries recently gathered in picturesque Portschach, Austria for the World Body Painting Festival 2013. The town, surrounded by turquoise water and mountains, was the perfect backdrop for all of the colorful human canvases. THE body art event of the year, the festival draws tens of thousands of visitors to Bodypaint City to watch as the artists create their art in the park, which is later judged by a professional jury and presented on stage. A true celebration of this expressionist art form, World Body Painting Festival 2013 consisted of fun, creativity, education and excitement - and Mehron was right in the thick of it along with Mehron product co-creators Jinny and Mark Reid and artist Nicole Aspradakis.
Jinny, co-creator of Mehron's Paradise Makeup AQ line, celebrated her 10-year festival involvement. And it was jam packed. A former first prize winner at the festival, Jinny served as one of the esteemed jurors for this year's competitions. She also conducted two extremely popular seminars, Body Painting for Beginners and Face Painting Illusions. On top of that, she painted Karala B at the Festival Fashion Show. Karala, the woman who developed the vibrant fashion show, is the author of two books: Bringing Bodypainting to Life and Body Art Fashion . This year's theme was Contemporary Nomads, which explores the reality that many body painting artists have moved countries and homes for the passion that is their art.
Jinny painting Karala B at the Festival Fashion Show |
Mark and Nicole participated in the competitions. Their artistry - as always - was intoxicating. Mark, who is co-creator of our Mark Reid Glittermark and Mark Reid brushes, took 12th place in the Brush/Sponge category.
Mark also taught a class on his amazingly realistic clothing techniques, Shirts & Jeans Illusions.
Nicole, who recently painted for Mehron at IMATS London, also participated in the Brush/Sponge category taking 24th place for her beautiful animal inspired artwork.
And the show would not have been complete without Mehron Europe Distributors Saskia from the Netherlands' booth, where Paradise Makeup AQ and Mark Reid Glittermark sold like hotcakes!
Thank you all for a fabulous festival!